1. Application address of Meituan Alliance
Now you need a business license to apply for Meituan Alliance. According to the announcement of the Meituan Alliance, the accounts previously applied by individuals have also been closed. So how can individual users promote Meituan?
-Affiliate to an account with corporate qualifications
-Get personal promotion link through Little Green Elephant Software Studio
-Promote through the new invitation link in the "Meituan Takeaway" applet
2. Application Steps
2.1 Log in to the backstage of Meituan Alliance. Promoter filing-media management-new media
2.2 After adding the media, click on the promotion position-add promotion position
When adding a promotion spot, you need to enter a SID, this SID is equivalent to a nickname, you can remember it easily, for example: elephdev
2.3 After the promotion is created, click "I want to promote"-Activity overview"
2.4 Select the item and click "Promote Now" at the back
Select the media and promotion site, click the link to get the H5 and applet path, and other self-collection on demand
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