
Terraform Creates AWS EKS Manager Role

You can associate IAM roles with Kubernetes service accounts. This service account can then provide AWS permissions to containers in any pod that uses the service account. With this feature, you no longer need to provide extended permissions to an Amazon EKS node IAM role so that pods on that node can call AWS APIs

Terraform aws_iam_access_key + keybase best practice

Keybase aims to make public key cryptography easier for the average person to use. When used properly, public key cryptography can eliminate most of the hacking problems we encounter and unnecessary government surveillance of the internet

Terraform tfstate state storage management

When we successfully execute terraform apply once and create the desired infrastructure, if we execute terraform apply again, the new execution plan generated will not contain any changes, Terraform will remember the current state of the infrastructure and apply Compare it with the expected state described by the code

Detailed explanation of Terraform Provider

Terraform is designed as a multi-cloud infrastructure orchestration tool. Unlike CloudFormation, which is bound to the AWS platform, Terraform can orchestrate resources of various cloud platforms or other infrastructures at the same time. Terraform's approach to multi-cloud orchestration is the Provider plug-in mechanism

Terraform Operations GitHub

Before using it, you need to configure the authentication information for accessing GitHub's API, such as GitHub Personal Access Token

Terraform Search Team Repo Topics

Use the github team data source to retrieve information about one or more GitHub teams, and based on the team information, get the repositories for each team. And further get the topics of each repository