
CentOS7 Docker CE online installation

Docker CE supports the 64-bit version of CentOS 7, and requires the kernel version to be at least 3.10. CentOS 7 meets the minimum kernel requirements, but due to the relatively low kernel version, some functions (such as overlay2 storage layer driver) cannot be used, and some functions may not be stable

Docker commit saves data in the MySQL image

By default, when docker commits, MySQL data will bypass the file system of the container and will not commit to the image. Normally, MySQL data will not be retained in the image and uploaded to the hub, which has involved data leakage. An alternative method is to start the container initialization data through 'docker entrypoint initdb. D'

Docker image upload official Hub

First register your own dockerhub account, register address: 2. Log in to your account on the linux server: docker login --username=sziiit

Docker Container Networking

By default, several network modes of bridge, host, none, overlay, maclan and Network plugins are provided. When running the container, you can set the specific mode to be used through the -network parameter