Laravel Service Containers and Service Providers Explained

Laravel's service container is one of the most important parts of the framework, yet it receives little attention from many developers. After interviewing a large number of candidates, I realized that there are two main reasons behind this ignorance.

Fastadmin two open picture zoom pop-up window

Fastadmin itself does not support functions such as zooming in and zooming out of the pop-up window. The following zooming in and out of various rotation effects can be achieved through two openings.

PHP RSA front and back end encrypted communication

Party B generates a pair of keys (public key and private key), and discloses the public key to Party A. After Party A obtains the public key, it encrypts the data to be transmitted with the public key and sends it to Party B. Party B obtains the public key. After encrypting the data, decrypt it with the private key

Add title attribute to WordPress menu

Title Attribute can help you display the detailed information of your menu items, and it is easy to add in the navigation menu items of WordPress