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How does Linux determine whether Crontab is running normally?

In the process of our development, we often encounter situations where scheduled tasks are not executed as expected. In the Linux system, timing tasks are generally implemented by the system Crontab. This article discusses how to judge whether the Crontab is running normally.

Wazuh server deployment

Wazuh is a free, open source, and enterprise-grade security monitoring solution for threat detection, integrity monitoring, incident response, and compliance

Linux system DNS error resolution

CentOS, Euleros series operating systems: ping the public network domain name fails, prompting Name or service not known, but you can ping the elastic public network IP, CURL is the same

2022 VMware clones CentOS7 to solve network configuration problems

The virtual machine from the cloned virtual machine uses the ifconfig command, the network card cannot be found, and there is only one lo device. The virtual machine cannot configure the network. The reason is that the cloned virtual machine has the same NIC MAC address and UUID as the source virtual machine in the NIC configuration file. Most technical blogs say to delete the UUID and HWADDR items of the network configuration file, but it seems that it does not take effect after testing

CentOS 7 Error Package openssl conflict

Error: Package: 1:openssl-1.0.2k-22.el7_9.x86_64 Requires: openssl-libs(x86-64) = 1:1.0.2k-22.el7_9 Installed: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2k-24 .el7_9.x86_64 (@updates)

tar package compression and decompression

The Linux tar (English full spelling: tape archive) command is used to back up files. tar is a tool program used to create and restore backup files. It can add and unlock files in the backup file

Use scp to transfer files between Linux devices

Suppose you have a file that needs to be removed from the server, or you want to put it on the server. It would be a bit redundant to set up some form of FTP client, or configure a share to handle this small task