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Laravel 8 - Scopes

In simple terms, laravel scopes are just a query, a query is used to make code shorter and faster. We can create custom queries using relationships or any scope

Laravel 8 - Traits

Traits are a mechanism for reusing code in single inheritance languages like PHP, traits are designed to reduce some of the limitations of single inheritance by enabling developers to freely reuse method sets in several independent classes living in different class hierarchies .

Top 10 Features of PHP 8.1

I'll demonstrate in detail the top 10 features provided by PHP 8.1 so that you can start using them in your projects and improve your PHP experience. Beginners and experienced developers can benefit from this article

Laravel Service Containers and Service Providers Explained

Laravel's service container is one of the most important parts of the framework, yet it receives little attention from many developers. After interviewing a large number of candidates, I realized that there are two main reasons behind this ignorance.