
Files Photo Gallery

Files Photo Gallery is a single-file PHP catalog program that can be placed in any catalog on the server and immediately has a preview catalog of files and folders. It supports all file types and allows you to preview images, videos, audios and codes


-A single file just needs to be put into any directory on the server
-Search and sort files in real time
-Advanced list and library layout, which can be switched in real time
-Preview IPTC, EXIF ​​and GPS maps to view your photos
-Fast loading using caching mechanism and CDN
-Advanced tree menu navigation shows the entire directory structure
-Beautiful code highlighter to view and edit code format
-Optional login to protect access


  • php5.5+
  • php extension: GD, mbstring, fileinfo, exif

Delete authorization pop-up window

Files Photo Gallery is completely open source, the free version and the licensed version are the same, there is no difference
It’s just that the free version will pop up the authorization window every time, click No thanks! to close


The first method: JS localization

Open index.php to find the code:
Replace it with:
Then create a new folder named js in the same directory, then download the files.js file and place it in it;

File download address:

The second method: JS network

Open index.php to find the code:
Replace it with the following code;

Replace code:

<script src=""></script>

Common configuration parameters

Directory configuration
'root' =>'', // Relative path or absolute path, blank represents the current directory, the secondary directory does not need the / symbol
'start_path' => false, // Assign the first directory loaded into the view. By default, this directory is the same as the root directory

// Authorized login
'username' =>'', // User account (leave blank to close)
'password' =>'', // User password (leave blank to close)

// Exclude files or directories
'files_exclude' =>'', //'/\.(png|jpe?g)$/i' / Explanation: Exclude the suffix png.jpeg.jpg
'dirs_exclude' =>'', //'/\/AAA|\/doc|\/222(\/|$)/i' / Explanation: Exclude directory AAA.doc.222

// menu
'menu_enabled' => true // Enable or disable the left folder menu
'menu_show' => true // expand or collapse the folder menu
'menu_sort' =>'name_asc' // The left folder menu sorting / name_asc, name_desc, date_asc, date_desc

// layout
'layout' =>'rows' // Main view area layout, including options list, block, grid, row and column
'sort' =>'name_asc' // The main view area is sorted by default / name_asc, name_desc, date_asc, date_desc

评论列表 共有 1 评论

versususa 2年前 回复TA

Hello, can you update for the new version? also this unfortunately doesn't work.



