
When you are full of confidence, the configuration of the packet capture environment is perfect, and you are ready to make a big fight. I found that a certain sound apk uses SSLPinning
When everyone confidently installed frida's SSLPinning and xposed's justtrustme on the phone, opened the apk again, and found that a certain sound apk used a non-system ssl library

The above is my experience. In order to avoid my detours, I will show you how to remove this sslpingng solution today.


Open of a certain tone, search for it, and then find it according to the keyword "SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify"


The third parameter is the place to check and is a callback function, so let's go in and see that


First find the place of ret, move the small hand and press the X key to find the reference and find one


See that the return value is 1, but after checking and finding that the return value is 0, it is ssl_verify_ok
So we move the small hand and change it to 0, then there are 4 such points in total, save them all as 0 and save them

And then pulled out our beloved Android phone
adb shell
One operation to find the installation location of your own 17.3apk


cp and then
chgrp system
chown system
chmod 777

Then open a certain sound and you will magically find that you can capture packets. In theory, all versions can be killed, as long as you find the keyword

If you don't want to use your hands to patch, here is a 32-bit version 17.3 so you can download and eat manually.

Remember the process, find a certain audio installation directory under your /data/data/, then cp into it, set a permission, and you can eat it happily


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