1.Evil Insult Generator

As the API name suggests, the goal is to deliver some of the most vicious insults.

You can create an application around this API, or combine this API with other great APIs provided below, such as implementing generated insults in meme templates.

The API is very simple to use. You only need to visit a URL, even without the registration key, to get the desired JSON output. These are the best free APIs

"insult": "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.",
"created":"2020-11-22 23:00:15",

2. Movies and TV API

Below are some APIs you can use to develop applications for your favorite shows

1.Breaking Bad API
2. API of Ice And Fire
3. Harry Potter API
4. YouTube API (for embedding YouTube functionalities)
5. The Lord of the Rings API

As with the API above, you can get started with some APIs without even having a registration key.
Not only that, but with non-copyright images, you can really create a great fan app for your favorite shows.
Here's a sample output from the Breaking Bad API, which you can get here, the best free API.
It doesn't require a key, but has a rate limit of 10,000 requests per day

         "quote": "I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger!",
         "author":"Walter White",
         "series": "Breaking Bad"
         "quote":"Stay out of my territory.",
         "author":"Walter White",
         "series":"Breaking Bad"
         "author":"Skyler White",
         "series":"Breaking Bad"

It returns a JSON containing an array of quoted objects, the quoted author, and an ID.

You can mix these specialized APIs with the YouTube APIs to create the ultimate app for fans of these shows

3. Mapbox

Mapbox provides developers with precise location information and sophisticated tools.

You have instant access to dynamic, live-updating maps that can even be customized further!

This is a must know API if you have a location and map oriented project.

However, it's worth mentioning that you have to register for free to get a unique access token.

With this token, you can use the amazing services provided by this API.

Not only that, but you can use Mapbox with libraries like the Leaflet.js library and create beautiful, mobile-friendly maps. So, have the best free API


NASA provides an excellent database of updated space-related information.

Using this API, you can create fascinating educational applications and websites.

You can access a variety of different types of data, from daily astronomical pictures all the way to pictures taken by Mars rovers.

You can browse the entire list here.

You can also search for NASA patents, software, and technology-derived descriptions that can be used to build a patent portfolio.

This API is very diverse and provides a wide variety of data. You can even use it to access the NASA image and video library. This is the best free API.

Here's a sample query for images taken by Curiosity on Mars

            "full_name":"Front Hazard Avoidance Camera"

5. GIF Search

You can use these quotes to display on your website's landing page or your app's splash screen to produce a rich user experience.

You can also create and manage users and sessions through this API. However, there is a rate limit of 30 requests per session within a 20-second interval. These are the best free APIs.

This API also has endpoints for filtering, voting, listing, updating and deleting quotes

      "private": false,
      "author":"Walt Whitman",
      "body": "The great city is that which has the greatest man or woman: if it is a few ragged huts, it is still the greatest city in the whole world."

7. Edamam Nutrition and Recipe Analysis API

Edamam generously provides access to a database of over 700,000 food items and more than 1.7 million nutritionally analyzed recipes.

This API is great if you want to show off your front-end skills because you can add high-quality images of food alongside the food recipes provided by this API.

The free plan cannot be used for commercial use, but it offers a comprehensive set of features such as natural language processing support and 200 recipes per month.

You can find full details on the different plans offered here.

Users can simply enter ingredients and get nutritional analysis, which can help them eat smarter and better


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