
Docker Command Memo

Some commonly used commands and functions of docker, docker-machine, and docker-compose

Detailed Docker layer

What is a layer? Docker containers are the building blocks of applications. Each container is an image, and there is a read/write layer on top of a stack of read-only layers

Understand how uid and gid work in Docker containers

Understanding how user names, group names, user IDs (uid), and group IDs (gid) map between the processes running in the container and the host system is important for building a secure system. If no other options are provided, the process in the container will be executed as root

Docker limits container resource CPU usage

By default, the host CPU resources that the container can use are unlimited. Like the use of memory resources, if the CPU resources that can be used by the container are not limited, once the program in the container abnormally uses the CPU, it is likely to exhaust the CPU resources of the entire host, leading to greater disasters

Docker modify storage path

When Docker is installed by default, the /var/lib/docker/ directory will be used as the storage directory to store the pulled images and created containers, etc.