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Vue timer "repeat" opening problem

The timer is started multiple times. Causing page functionality to become confusing. How to solve this problem? Use global variables instead of definitions in data

Detailed explanation of Vue ref ($refs) usage

ref acts on ordinary elements, use this.ref.name to get dom elements. ref acts on sub-components, use this.ref.name to get the component instance, you can use all methods of the component, use v-for and ref to get a set of data or dom node

What's new in ES2022?

A new version of ECMA Script will become standard within a few months. So let's take a look at the features that will be part of ES2022

iOS Unsigned Packaging

The unsigned ipa package can be quickly distributed for users to download and use without going to the App Store.

Detailed explanation of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0

The Web has changed dramatically over the years, both as a consumer and as a developer. Thanks to the advancement of the Internet, making attractive websites and applications has never been easier.

2021 uni-app iOS 100% launch guide

A computer with MacOS installed + Xcode (basic environment) + [Transporter](upload code to App Store Connect) + HbuilderX (Compile and package)