1.loading=lazy attribute

Performance optimization, you can use the loading=lazy attribute to postpone the loading of images until the user scrolls to them

<img src='image.jpg' loading='lazy' alt='Alternative Text'>

2. Email, phone and SMS links

<a href="mailto:{email}?subject={subject}&body={content}">
  Send us an email
<a href="tel:{phone}">
  Call us
<a href="sms:{phone}?body={content}">
  Send us a message

3. Ordered list start attribute

Use the start attribute to change the starting point of the ordered list

4.meter element

You can use the <meter> element to display the quantity. No JavaScript/CSS required
<iframe allowfullscreen="true" allowpaymentrequest="true" allowtransparency="true" class="cp_embed_iframe "frameborder="0" height="450" ​​width="100%" name="cp_embed_1" scrolling="no" src= "https://codepen.io/denic/embed/MWbJRXe?height=450&amp;theme-id=dark&amp;default-tab=html%2Cresult&amp;user=denic&amp;slug-hash=MWbJRXe&amp;pen-title=Base%20Element&amp ;name=cp_embed_1" style="width: 100%; overflow:hidden; display:block;" title="basic elements" loading="lazy" id="cp_embed_MWbJRXe">

5. HTML native search

6. Field Set Elements

You can use the <fieldset> element to group multiple controls and labels () in the <label> Web form


Opening the page of target="_blank" allows the new page to access the original page window.opener. This may have an impact on safety and performance. Include rel="noopener" or rel="noreferrer" to prevent this from happening

<a href="https://markodenic.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
Marko's website

8. element

If you want to open all the links in the document in a new tab, you can use the <base> element
<iframe allowfullscreen="true" allowpaymentrequest="true" allowtransparency="true" class="cp_embed_iframe "frameborder="0" height="450" ​​width="100%" name="cp_embed_4" scrolling="no" src= "https://codepen.io/denic/embed/yLYYwJp?height=450&amp;theme-id=dark&amp;default-tab=html%2Cresult&amp;user=denic&amp;slug-hash=yLYYwJp&amp;pen-title=Base%20Element&amp ;name=cp_embed_4" style="width: 100%; overflow:hidden; display:block;" title="Base Element" loading="lazy" id="cp_embed_yLYYwJp">

9.Favicon cache update

To refresh your website’s icon, you can force the browser to download a new version by adding ?v=2 to the file name.

This is particularly useful in production to ensure that users get the new version

<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico?v=2" />

10. Spell check

Use the spellcheck attribute to define whether the element can be checked for spelling errors

11. Native HTML slider

You can use it <input type="range"> to create a slider

12.HTML Accordion

You can use the details element to create a native HTML accordion

13.mark tag

You can use the <mark> tag to highlight the text


14.download attribute

You can use the attributes in the download link to download the file instead of jumping to the file

<a href='path/to/file' download>

15. webp image optimization performance

Use the .webp image format to shrink images and improve website performance

   <!-- load .webp image if supported -->
   <source srcset="logo.webp" type="image/webp">
Fallback if `.webp` images or <picture> tag
not supported by the browser.
   <img src="logo.png" alt="logo">

16. Video thumbnail

Use the poster attribute to specify the image to be displayed when the video is downloaded or before the user clicks the play button

<video poster="path/to/image">


Use type="search" for your search input and you will get a "clear" button


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