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Detailed WebSocket

WebSockets is a transport layer built on top of the device's TCP/IP stack. The purpose is to provide web application developers with a TCP communication layer that is as close to the original as possible in nature, while adding some abstractions to eliminate some differences

uniapp onLaunch executes onLoad after obtaining openid

When developing a front-end project with uni-app, you will encounter the need to request the interface to return the result in onLaunch, and this result may be used in the onLoad of each page of the project. For example, the WeChat applet is obtained after logging in in onLaunch openid and get the token, each page of the project needs to bring the token to request other interfaces

Simple lazy loading of the web

Usually we need to write JavaScript to handle lazy loading of images, usually in the form of a scroll handler or a cross-viewer

HTML5 video picture-in-picture mode

The native picture-in-picture API allows you to create a floating, fixed HTML5 video overlaid on your workspace. This API is seamlessly integrated into the HTMLVideoElement interface and is super easy to use

How to implement dark mode using CSS and 3 lines of simple Javascript

A must-have feature for most modern websites and web applications is the ability to switch the theme of the website from light mode to dark mode. This feature has gradually become a fashionable supplement to the modern web, and I know how to deal with future projects or existing When implementing it in a project, it will undoubtedly come in handy to implement it