
7 bad coding habits

Bad habits are hard to get rid of, and it’s even harder if you don’t realize that what you’re doing is ruining your work. If you know but don't care-it will be the worst. Your lucky friend, you are in the right article. Here are 7 coding habits you may have, if you have them, please give up immediately

5 basic web user experience rules

Users spend most of their time on other websites. This means that users prefer your website to work in the same way as all other websites they already know. The more standardized the design of the website, the better the effect

12 projects needed to develop large-scale projects

The large-scale project I am talking about mainly refers to the number of entities that need to be managed. Simply put, how many models do you have in your project. If you have many models, this usually means complexity. With these, as a secondary metric, you can count the number of routing or controller methods

Speed up your website with a CDN

The Content Delivery Network (CDN) caches your origin resources on acceleration nodes all over the world. When the end user requests to access and obtain these resources, there is no need to go back to the source, and the system will call the resources that have been cached on the CDN node nearby.